Prithviraj took it to Facebook to announce his first Malayalam Science Fiction movie- ‘Nine’ which is to be produced by Sony Pictures and Prithviraj Productions. He calls it a genuine first of its kind for Malayalam cinemas. The movie will be directed by 100 Days of Love filmmaker Jenuse Mohamed and has been titled 9.
It has been reported that two years ago, in an interview Jenuse had told that he was working on a movie with Prithviraj in the lead, and one that also has two more heroines. On the genre of the movie, he had said, “This is mostly a science fiction. It’s a new kind of film in Malayalam. It’s also a horror-thriller.†Both Nitya Menen and Parvathy were in discussions for the parts of the female protagonists.
Though there are rumours about the Prithviraj’s role as a scientist and that the movie will go on floors soon in Thiruvananthapuram but nothing is being officially announced or confirmed by the makers. Stay fingers crossed until the trailer is out.
Here is what Prithviraj has mentioned in his Facebook post: